13  warning stories that tell you you’re in poor health


13 warning stories that tell you you’re in poor health

You may think that you are in good health, but your body may have a different opinion. Chapped lips, cold feet, or bad breath may not seem like a big

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You may think that you are in good health, but your body may have a different opinion. Chapped lips, cold feet, or bad breath may not seem like a big problem to you, but these simple symptoms are a way for your body to warn you that something is wrong.

In this report, we will provide you with the most prominent warning stories that your body releases to tell you that it is not feeling well, and also tips to maintain your health and protect your body from aging.

We start with signs that you are in poor health:

1- Snoring

Although snoring may seem like an innocent way of knowing that you are getting some deep sleep, it may be a sign of a more serious problem that many people are born with.

One of the common causes of snoring is septal deviation, which occurs when the cartilage in the middle of a person’s nose is shifted to a certain side. Often, this will not be noticed until the person starts to snore.

If you find that your snoring is waking you up or making you feel tired during the day, it may be time to see a doctor. And snoring can sometimes be associated with high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and other health problems that require medical attention.

2- Bruising easily

Trauma to your skin may result in a bruise, but if you find that you are bruising often this may be a cause for concern. “When bruising a lot or too easily, they can be signs of a lack of essential nutrients,”. Fortunately, there is an easy fix.

The addition of vitamin “C” and vitamin “K”, to your diet, its essential when it comes to producing more collagen in the skin and strengthening blood vessels.

To control the size of bruises, it is recommends eating vegetables, fruits and berries daily, and even eating foods such as seafood or dairy products that contain vitamin “B12” It can help treat this problem.

And if you still see bruises even after increasing your intake of these vitamins, there may be something else. Doctors say that “liver disease and certain types of cancer also increase the risk of bruising. And if the bruises start to appear suddenly more than usual, that calls for a visit the doctor”.

3- Itching

First of all, itchy skin is often an indication of dryness, so doctors recommend using a moisturizer first to soothe the skin. However, it may also be helpful to look at your surroundings if you find you frequently itch. Also, allergic reactions, even if you don’t have a visible rash, can result from drugs, insect bites, or simply something that touches your skin.

If none of these reasons apply to your condition, then seeing a dermatologist is the best solution. “Itching can be a symptom of hypothyroidism, severe kidney disease, or even cancer,”. A simple blood test can help rule out long-term itch problems.

4- Cold Feet or Hands

According to some doctors, if your feet are still cold even in summer, “that could be a sign of vascular disease.”

Vascular disease occurs when plaque builds up in the arteries, preventing blood from flowing to different areas of the body. Ultimately, the parts of the body that are not receiving blood will get colder. ”If your feet change color when they feel cold, this is the final sign that you should see your doctor.

Another explanation for your cold feet might be that you lack iron or vitamin B12, as these vitamins help in the successful transport of blood cells throughout the body, and without them, your body will “convert blood and give priority to the most vital organs such as the heart, brain, and system” Digestive system, which leads to cold extremities – hands and feet. ”This often happens to people who avoid animal products, such as vegetarians, as well as those who follow diets.

5- Pounding Nails

The cold weather in winter can play a role in damaging your nails, but brittle nails may also be due to a lack of vitamins, especially iron or B vitamins. Fortunately, it is easy to add these nutrients to your diet. “The foods that can improve this condition are fruits, leafy vegetables, eggs, nuts or whole grains.”

6- Bloating

Many people tend to think that eating is the cause of bloating, but if you are bloated all the time this may actually be your body’s way of telling you to drink more water.

When your body lacks water, it retains the fluid in it and thus makes you swell. In addition, the electrolytes (salts) in your body can be unbalanced. Fortunately, there is an easy fix for this, as he recommends consuming water-based drinks with added electrolytes, such as cucumber or coconut water.

7-   Eyelid Spasm

It is easy to be bothered by an annoying blepharospasm, and although these spasms do not have much of an effect on our bodies, they are indicative of a problem. And through it, your body wants to tell you that you need more sleep. However, if the condition recurs many times, you may need to consult your doctor.

This condition “could be a sign of multiple sclerosis) in some rare cases.”

Multiple sclerosis is a disease of the central nervous system, where the immune system attacks the myelin covering nerve fibers, causing communication problems between your brain and the rest of your body. However, it is important to examine all the underlying causes that may be causing your eyelid spasm.

8- Cracked Lips

The cause of chapped lips may be more than just dry air. In other words, the sun, spicy foods, and even long-wearing lipstick on more than one occasion can cause your lips to chap. And “chapped lips can also indicate a lack of vitamins in the body.”

If you want to reduce dry and chapped lips, it is recommending eating a diet based on iron and zinc, which are nutrients that can be found in vegetables, nuts, legumes, and even in modest amounts in seafood and meat.

9- Bad Breath

Many people resort to chewing mint flavored gum to get rid of bad breath. However, the main reason for this may be worrying. The specialists say that “routine and proper dental hygiene is the primary task, given that about 80% of bad breath is caused by a problem in our mouths.”

It can be emphasized that bad breath can also be a “symptom of dehydration”. When you don’t drink enough water, the bacteria in your mouth lose their balance. And if bacteria start to grow in your mouth in large numbers, then you need to find an effective solution instead of consuming mint-flavored gum.

And if you still have bad breath even after changing your daily diet and drinking water, you may have another problem.

It is “important to consult a doctor, because bad breath can indicate infection with oral thrush or any other disease that requires medical intervention and the use of an antibiotic.”

10- Heavy Sweating

It’s normal to sweat in the summer, but if you are constantly sweating, this may be your body’s way of telling you that you have a serious problem.

A podiatrist warned that “excessive sweating can be a sign of hyperthyroidism or an early warning sign of a heart attack,” saying that sweating can also indicate conditions ranging from menopause to tuberculosis.

When it comes to sweating, there are some warning signs that we should all take note of, so if you find yourself feeling nauseous, dizzy, or even headache, that could be cause for concern. Sudden sweating more than usual may be another indication that a doctor should be consulted.

And although sweating is often not a concern, it is better to reassure yourself of your health rather than regret later. For his part, doctors recommend that you see a doctor if excessive sweating affects your life in a major way.

11- A Constant Feeling of Sleepiness

If you fall asleep during the day, this could be a sign that your body needs rest and more sleep. Therefore, many people take naps, but they cannot sleep.

According to sleep specialists, “It is common to interpret sleepiness during the day as fatigue and lack of sleep, when in reality they are completely different.”

Feeling sleepy during the day can mean suffering from another problem along with an unbalanced diet, and eating enough fruits and vegetables can provide your body with the micro-nutrients it needs to maintain energy throughout the day.

It is also recommended to consult a sleep specialist, as you may suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, a condition characterized by obstruction of the airway during sleep, and usually makes people with it feel sleepy during the day, and may be the reason for your lack of comfort.

12- Dry Eyes

As we age, the dry eye problem increases in appearance due to the decrease in the body’s ability to form tears, but continuously dry eyes can suffer from many serious problems, so it is important to diagnose dry eyes as soon as possible.

Even with medicines to treat dry eyes, some of the medicines you use may be the cause of your sour condition, and in this context, doctors have revealed that there are medicines that can cause dry eyes as a side effect, similar to some types of antidepressants.

To keep your eyes from drying out, it is recommended that you allow your eyes to rest while you work, use moisturizers, use teardrops, and even move the computer screen to a lower position so that you do not have to press your eyes to see what is on the screen.

13- Constant Feeling of Thirst

If you drink enough water but still cannot quench your thirst, your body may be trying to tell you that something dangerous is happening to your health. As a warning this dehydration, as it is among the primary early signs of diabetes.

When your body does not produce enough insulin, the simple sugar called glucose begins to accumulate, which leads to excessive urination, and thus you will want to drink more fluids to replace what you lost, but no matter how much fluid you drink, you will still feel thirsty. If you find that drinking more fluids is not quenching your thirst, it is time to visit your doctor.

How to keep your body healthy and fight aging?

Getting old is a year of life, and there is no escape from the accompanying changes in your appearance, such as wrinkles and grey hair. Although humans are unable to turn back time, nutritionists assert that some vitamins can reduce the signs of aging. Vitamins and minerals help slow cell aging by removing toxins that build up in the body over time.

There are very easy solutions to many body problems, most of which involve our diet. “Every change in our health starts from within. Thus, it is important to focus on our dietary patterns to maintain our health on a daily basis.”

We stress here the need to obtain these nutrients from their natural nutritional sources, but if you want to take them as nutritional supplements, consult your doctor first, because they may have complications if they are consumed in high concentrations as in supplements:

1-  Curcumas

Found in turmeric, this substance has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties at the cellular level, which promotes healthy skin.

2- Vitamin C.

Review suggests research published in 2017 that vitamin “C” (the C it helps boost the immune system by making more immune cells, and it also protects the skin from oxidative stress. Another 2017 review found that this vitamin protects against premature aging.

Vitamin C can be found in some foods, such as citrus fruits.

3- Vitamin D.

Vitamin ” D” Important in the absorption of calcium and phosphate, and essential for healthy bones and muscles. Maintaining healthy levels of vitamin “D” contributes to helping the absorption of calcium from food, and reducing the incidence of bone fractures and fragility in adults if they take a daily dose of it.

For children, it helps build strong bones, and prevents rickets that cause arched legs, knees and weak legs.

Vitamin D is formed in the body as a result of exposure to sunlight. It can also be obtained from fatty fish, as well as from egg yolks, beef liver, and fortified foods such as grains and milk.