
3D Models Technology, How To Deal

3D modeling 3D models represent an object using a set of points in 3D. They are linked with geometric shapes such as triangles, lines and cur

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3D modeling

3D models represent an object using a set of points in 3D. They are linked with geometric shapes such as triangles, lines and curved surfaces, can be created by hand, or mathematically (procedural modeling), or scanned

3D models are used widely used in 3D graphics. Many computer games use images produced from 3D models .

Today, 3D models are used in a wide variety of areas. Detailed medical devices are used in the medical industry where multiple two-dimensional slices of an MRI or CT scan are created. 

The film industry uses modeling to create animated characters and objects. The video game industry uses it for computer and video games. The science sector uses it as detailed models for chemical compounds

The architecture industry uses it to demonstrate buildings and landscapes proposed through architectural modeling software.

As well as a wide range of other uses. In recent decades the Earth sciences community has started to build 3D models Geological. 3D models can also be basis for physical devices built with 3D printers Or CNC machines. The best firm in the 3D models industry that will satisfy the concerned clients need is 3D London

The acting

3D models can be divided into two categories.

Solid / Detailed – These models specify the size of the object and its contents. These are more real, but difficult to build. 
Solid models are mostly used for nonvisual simulation such as medical and engineering simulation, for CAD And specialized optical applications such as radiology tracking and engineering.

Selected / Casing – These models represent only the surface of the object, for example the boundaries of the object, not its size (such as eggshell). These are easier to work with than solid models. Almost all optical models used in games and movies are shell models.

Because the appearance of an object depends to a large extent on the external surface of the object, boundary / envelope representations are common in computer graphics. A two-dimensional surface is sufficient to form an object, and a detailed numerical approximation using the polygonal grid is also the most common representation, although point-use technology got some popularity in recent years.

Also technology (level groups) is useful for deforming surfaces that are subject to many changes in topography, such as liquids.

How does this technology work?

It just like to send a picture at a certain angle for each eye so that each eye receives an image that differs from the image that the other eye receives, in this way an image in the brain is made up of the two images received in the eyes and this image is of real dimensions as in reality …

3D drawing

It is the drawing of the real figures that exist in nature while showing their three dimensions.

 Three-dimensional drawing has several methods of drawing, both famous and unknown, below is some:

Method of drawing at an angle of 45 degrees, and there is also the method of drawing at an angle of 30 degrees, and each of them has its characteristics that distinguish it from others.

Drawing at an angle 45 

Drawing at a 45 ° angle: It is a three-dimensional drawing of the object so that its third dimension is tilted at an angle of 45 ° at the level of the drawing page .

Drawing at an angle of 30

Drawing at an angle of 30 °: It is a three-dimensional drawing of the object so that the third dimension of it is tilted at an angle of 30 ° at the level of the drawing page .