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4 Ways to Spend Quality Time with Your Kids – Even When You’re Short on Time

As a parent, it’s important that you’re there to support, love and guide your child throughout their early stages of development. While we all wish w

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As a parent, it’s important that you’re there to support, love and guide your child throughout their early stages of development. While we all wish we could be there at every beck and call for our kids, work commitments can get in the way which can severely reduce how much time you have with your children.

However, spending quality time with your kids is extremely important for building strong bonds and relationships, so here are 4 tips on how you can be there for your children, even when you’re short on time.

Have One-On-One Time

You will reap the benefits of one-on-one time with your child if you’re both doing something you love. Whether it’s going to see a movie, heading to the local theater, or taking your kid to the park, one-on-one time can be a great chance to check in on how they’re doing. Only you will know your child inside out, so if you have noticed a change in their behavior or they have become withdrawn, having some alone time can help you recognize such issues. With many of us leading busier lives than ever, you should always factor in one-on-one time at least once a month. You might also want to check out masculine by design who have an article on why it’s important to spend time with your children before it’s too late.

Phantom Time

If you work unusual hours and find yourself arriving home once your children are fast asleep, there are things you can do to let your kids know that you care. Whether you write notes and put them in their lunch box, or send a text message that they can wake up to, bringing out your creative side and letting your children know that you love and care for them is important.

Break Time

All parents are busy, so it’s vital that you slide in a break time that enables you and your child to spend 15 minutes together. If you have a mountain of work that you need to complete, you can set a timer which indicates when break time begins and finishes. Make sure that you give a warning when the break time is about to end so your child isn’t surprised. If you’re struggling to find time, you could wake your child up a little earlier so you can spend 15 minutes together.

Video Time

If you’re unable to be with your child in person, there are lots of ways you can keep in touch such as by video chat. Video conferencing software like FaceTime, Skype and Zoom will mean you can visually see your child and have a conversation while you’re on the go.

Spending quality time with your kids can be a great opportunity to bond and listen to their thoughts and feelings. If you work long hours at the office, or your job takes you away from home, it’s important that you do everything in your power to be there as much as you can for your children.