Category: Ideas

Got A Creepy Guy In Office? Here Is How You Can Deal With Him!
Go with your Instinct
Office Harassment
A common mistake that everyone does while they are being the victims of such harassment is they start c [...]

4 Qualities Men Look For In A Perfect Girlfriend
What exactly being a perfect girlfriend is? What are the qualities that men look in for, to actually consider a girl as a perfect girlfriend?
Und [...]

Annoying Things Which Always Happens When You Book A Cab
Love to book a cab? Well, with a lot of pick-and- drop-cab services, the whole experience has become quite smooth.
But we are still not sure. Esp [...]

How To Escape From Sinking Car
Accidents do not come with a warning sign. They can happen to anyone, anywhere and can become the cause of grieve for poor families who lost their de [...]

Ovaltine DIY Recipes That You’ll Love
From my childhood, I had this crush on Ovaltine. Man, I love Ovaltine, in fact each childhood memory linked to Ovaltine is still embedded in my mind. [...]

Different Ways To Wear Your Converse Shoes !!
They are as their name says ‘Converse’, they voice out about how ‘groovy’ you are and they demonstrate how ‘contrasting’ your approach is.
Well, [...]

This is Why Gossip is Good For You
According to Timothy Hallett of Sociology Department Of Indiana University,
Gossip can be defined as “The unsanctioned evaluative talk about peop [...]