Category: Technology

Why life is not limited to the Earth planet only?
Earth’s conquest of space and the possibility of aliens invading our planet have become a controversial issue in the scientific community.
Especia [...]

Do not be fooled on the Internet .. Reveal fake photos
Smart Use of Reverse Image Search to Track Plagiarism
The breadth of social media platforms and technology tools has coincided with the prolifer [...]
Cheapest Smartphone Of The World
For all those people who would love to own something cool under four dollars, here’s a deal. Can you guess what deal I am offering you?
I am pres [...]

Dead Sea Turned True To Its Name
No matter how much you try, you will never drown in the Dead Sea. Says the theory of the “Natural Buoyancy ”
Is it true in every case, for every [...]

Human Body Is A Mystery, Science Is Yet To Sort
Science has taken the world as far as the moon and stars but what science is yet to comprehend is mystery, that the human body is.
Yes, [...]

Why Emotional People Lead Better Lives
It is believed that people who always think from their brains generally march ahead easily in life. Human beings are full of emotions, but it is the [...]

Build Your Own Iron Man 3 World !!
Oh Yes ! Thrilled Already ?? When it comes to living life king size, nobody can beat our beloved fictional character Tony Stark (played by our favori [...]

Nutella Has Unhealthy Ingredients
For all you Nutella lovers out there, it’s time you stopped gorging over this tasty yet unhealthy delicacy.Why?
That’s what I am going to reveal [...]
10 ways accessories can find you the love of your life
The best ways to utilize electronic devices. How cool science experiments aren't as bad as you think. How open source software can make you sick. 13 l [...]
18 podcasts about cool science experiments
Why our world would end if life technologies disappeared. Why wholesale accessories should be 1 of the 7 deadly sins. How home tech gadgets made me a [...]