
Coronavirus hits Apple “so hard” and threatens iPhone market

The new Coronavirus epidemic has not only affected the health of the world's population. But has also expanded to hit global products, among t

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The new Coronavirus epidemic has not only affected the health of the world’s population.

But has also expanded to hit global products, among them the production of Apple phones, which will face a “real blow” due to the pandemic..

The company stopped “Fox Kun” Taiwan, which manufactures phones for iPhone around the world, almost all industrial operations in China , until the tenth of February, at least, according to Reuters.

A source close to the manufacturer said, “Fox Con” has doubled the production of its factories in India, Vietnam and Mexico, to continue producing iPhone phones at the same pace required in the market..

It threatens the outbreak of the new Coronavirus, which was declared the World Health Organization On a global health emergency, disrupting the Chinese industry, which Apple relies heavily on to make iPhones.

The source said that closing factories to after February 10 could disrupt Fox Conn’s shipments, which would negatively affect factories in southern Guangdong Province and Zhengzhou in Henan Province, where the main iPhone factories are located..

An unnamed internal source said: “What worries us is the delay for another week or even another month … the impact is huge … it will definitely have an impact on the Apple production line.”.

Fox Kun asked employees and customers in China’s Hubei Province, the virus outbreak center, not to return to factories, and asked workers to report their health status to managers on a daily basis, according to an internal memo reviewed by Reuters..

On Saturday, Apple temporarily closed its 42 stores in mainland China, one of its largest markets, where the new Coronavirus is spreading rapidly, and the death toll there has risen to 425.