Healthy ‌Habits:‌ ‌10‌ ‌Top Ideas ‌to ‌Help ‌You ‌Age ‌Gracefully


Healthy ‌Habits:‌ ‌10‌ ‌Top Ideas ‌to ‌Help ‌You ‌Age ‌Gracefully

Getting older is no walk in the park and with so many age-bashing headlines in the tabloids, it can be easy to be negative about aging. Although age

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Getting older is no walk in the park and with so many age-bashing headlines in the tabloids, it can be easy to be negative about aging. Although age really is just a number, it seems as though some people age ‘better’ than others. Here are a few healthy habits for you to adopt to help you age gracefully.

Accept Your Age

There is no escaping the aging process so the first thing you need to do is to maintain a positive outlook and accept your age. A positive association with age will not only keep your mind at ease, this study suggests that it is more likely to help you recover from a disability too. You have heard of the metaphors about fine wine and vintage cheese, maybe it is time you start believing the hype because perspective can have a huge impact on how you age.

Keep Your Diet in Check

A nutrient-rich diet with more wholesome foods and less processed mulch is a good idea for everyone. One of the simplest ways to age well is to maintain a healthy diet that is full of vegetables, fruit, grains, protein, fiber and dairy. Certain foods are known to help prevent illnesses and diseases, for example, one study associates leafy, green vegetables with a slower rate of age-related cognitive decline.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Staying physically active can improve balance and strength. In turn this can help reduce the risk of falls and other injuries. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle could also reduce the risk of diseases such as cancer and can keep you mobile for longer. The recommended amount of moderate-intensity exercise for an adult per week is 2.5 to 5 hours, or 1.25 to 2.5 hours if the activity is vigorous. Low impact activities such as gardening, walking and tai chi can be enjoyed by individuals of all ages.

Do Something Worthwhile

Whether it is continuing with a hobby you know you love or taking up a new activity, doing something that is worthwhile can give you a sense of purpose while keeping your brain stimulated. It also provides a social element too. Doing something you truly enjoy and connecting with like-minded people can bring happiness and laughter into your life, and you know what they say—laughter is the best medicine.

Keep on Top of Finances and Legal Affairs

This is a tedious task for most but keeping your finances and legal affairs in check is important if you do not want to end up tearing your hair out. Taking control of these aspects of your life can be empowering. It will also help you stress less when unexpected occurrences pop up in your life. Think about the people you trust and choose a loved one to be your power of attorney. By acting now, you can ensure your future desires are met if you are ever unable to make decisions for yourself. When it comes to aging, expenses such as healthcare and legal work can be costly. For a stress-free frame of mind, consider the financial aspect of your future plans and prepare early.

Think to the Future

Thinking ahead to the future can bring up feelings of uncertainty and unease. However, it is wise to consider the sort of healthcare and living situation you wish to have in the years ahead. Independent living facilities are great for people who are fully capable of living autonomously but would like to be part of a larger community of older adults. Assisted living is ideal for those who require a little extra help as they age. Whatever you require, Frontier Management offers different lifestyle options for senior living, visit for more information.

Keep Up With Check-Ups

Health examinations should be a priority for people of all ages, whether you are experiencing discomfort or not. However, regular check-ups are often put on the back burner. Doctors can spot abnormalities in your health even if you are not displaying symptoms. The earlier abnormalities are spotted and treated, the less likely they are to become more serious. Adults over the age of 50 should schedule in a physical at least once a year.

In addition to health check-ups, annual eye exams are also important. Some diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD) can be spotted by an optometrist before any symptoms appear. Going for an annual check-up can help you maintain your eyesight and prevent vision loss.

Get Your Beauty Sleep

Sleeping well can improve mental health while lowering your risk of certain diseases and illnesses. Research links insomnia with a rapid acceleration of the brain and suggests that a consistent lack of sleep can have an adverse effect on the brain’s structure. Furthermore, getting your beauty sleep can also help you look younger. Getting seven to eight hours of sleep allows your body to restore collagen and elastin which helps you achieve healthier skin.

Protect Your Skin

Going back to the previous point, another way to achieve healthy skin is by protecting it against UV rays. The skin is the largest organ in the body and is, of course, the most exposed. Sunshine can be extremely beneficial for the skin, but excessive exposure to UV rays can cause the skin to wrinkle and age. Not to mention, it can cause skin cancer too. Protect yourself and get into the habit of wearing sunscreen every day. You can also protect your skin by wearing protective clothing and staying hydrated throughout the day.

Stay Connected

Keeping in touch with loved ones and socializing with others can have a major impact on your mental wellbeing. Loneliness can be as harmful as smoking 15 cigarettes a day so create a social network and stay connected. Whether it is new friends or old, maintaining a meaningful relationship and conversing with another person can reduce isolation and put you in a good mood. As well as human contact, studies show that animal interaction can have huge health benefits too. A beloved pet can have a positive impact on stress levels and reduce feelings of loneliness.