
Tips for Managing Remote QA Teams Amidst Covid-19

As employees are advised to stay home to prevent the spread of Covid-19, companies are establishing new rules to ensure effective remote working. Man

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As employees are advised to stay home to prevent the spread of Covid-19, companies are establishing new rules to ensure effective remote working. Many companies are speculating that remote work shall continue even after the pandemic, so it is essential that they come up with specific guidelines. QA teams are also working remotely, and require issue tracking tools to ensure software quality and bug-free apps. 

When the pandemic had an outbreak in mid-March, employers had to send their workers home, emptying office premises and working from their homes. Ever since the coronavirus has persisted at its peak, businesses have been majorly affected, yet many employees are enjoying remote work in their comfort zones. However, it is important that companies revamp their rules and procedures to ensure that employees’ productivity is not affected. Let’s have a look at a few tips enterprises can consider in managing remote QA teams during the pandemic situation:

Visibility into Challenges faced by QA Teams

Covid-19 has adversely affected almost every person’s lives. It is important for managers to look for signs of distress amongst their employees. In such difficult times, employers should use all possible ways to ensure that they support their staff members. In order to facilitate a smooth flow of communication between managers and their teams, there should be meetings held to discuss areas of concern such as alternative work models, job security, and the impact of withdrawing the workplace, etc. 

Equip QA Teams with the Right Tools

Make sure QA teams are equipped with the right technology they require to perform their responsibilities. QA testers require issue tracking tools to ensure they help in releasing bug-free applications. Even if your company does not have extensive availability of collaborative tools, you can provide employees to function when working remotely. Here, it is important that you don’t assume people are comfortable in virtual environments. We know that virtual environments are different and it is important to keep them professional. However, they may be less effective for certain individuals so it is important to coach employees on how to use them effectively. If there are multiple QA teams working on various projects, issue tracking tools can promote effective collaboration.  

Reinforce Organizational Values

When at the workplace, employees behave differently. But during periods of uncertainty, employee misconduct tenants to increase dramatically. Employers should remind employees for reporting misconduct and place checks in case of non-compliance with the guidelines. This reinforcement of organizational values will promote well-being which will have a positive impact on them. 

Focus on the End-Results

In the remote work landscape, people are finding it challenging to manage work and family commitments, both at their homes. Employees should be able to complete their work in convenient ways that help improve their productivity.  

In the current pandemic situation, employees need to have the sense of security to boost their performance and productivity while working remotely. In order to maintain social distancing, they need to make an effort to perform their duties while at the comfort of their homes.