
What are the harms of long sleep?

Experts have repeatedly talked about the negative consequences of a lack of sleep on health. But sleeping for long periods may also be a health

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Experts have repeatedly talked about the negative consequences of a lack of sleep on health. But sleeping for long periods may also be a health hazard.

A magazine reports Neurology showed that the results of the new study, conducted by Chinese scientists with the participation of 31,750 volunteers, average age 62 years, who did not suffer from any health problems, proved that prolonged sleep harms the brain, as it can become a cause of stroke. The scientists followed the health of the study participants during six years, during which 1557 people suffered a stroke.

During this period, the researchers collected information about the health of the participants and conducted surveys in order to obtain comprehensive information about the sleep-related habits, day and night.

 It became clear to them that 8% of the participants used to sleep 90 minutes during the day. And 24% of them slept nine hours or more at night.

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Data analysis showed that people who sleep more than eight hours at night are 23% more likely to develop a stroke than those who sleep 7-8 hours at night. Also, those who sleep at night less than seven hours, or 8-9 hours, are less likely to stroke than those who sleep more than seven hours, but less than eight hours at night. 

Those who used to sleep more than 90 minutes during the day had a 25% higher risk of developing a blood clot, compared to those who slept 30 minutes..

The researchers note, that those who are used to sleeping long hours, day and night, are 85% more likely to develop a stroke than others who do not sleep more than 7-8 hours a day.