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You can get a million dollars a year … jobs that make you rich

Tired of waiting for Bitcoin to hit a million dollars so you can retire? In fact, another options is more practical. Here is the number of j

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Tired of waiting for Bitcoin to hit a million dollars so you can retire? In fact, another options is more practical.

Here is the number of jobs that can make a lot of money.

Hedge Fund Manager

Hedge Fund Manager

The hedge management function is based on helping people reach their desired financial goals, and the positive factor in the hedge fund manager’s career is that you will not have to work for forty hours a week.

But this does not mean that the task is easy, as you deal with traders and analysts, closely follow the daily financial news, and in the end you give the green light to start transactions.

You will get your share of the fees and commissions paid based on how successful you are in investing, and if you did your business well, you can earn about two million dollars annually.

Real Estate Developer

Real Estate Developer

 If you want to get a successful job in real estate development, then you need to have many skills.

For example, you need to have the ability to discover profitable opportunities, and you also need to be able to raise the appropriate amount of capital, set budgets for development projects, and cost estimates, and be able to predict future market trends.

Of course, since this endeavor carries great risks, you should be prepared for the idea that you may lose a lot of money if the real estate market is damaged.

On the other hand, the average real estate developer earns a six-figure income, but the more successful it can get the most.

Case Attorneys 

Case Attorneys

Most attorneys earn what they are allowed to live modestly, especially if you work in areas like tax law, but if your goal is to be a case attorney, where you settle or earn civil cases for the benefit of your clients, you can earn millions. However, it needs to be attractive, persuasive and patient.

The average attorney earns about $ 66,000, but eminent lawyers earn millions.

An influential person on YouTube

An influential person on YouTube

Posting videos on YouTube is very simple. All you have to do is buy a good camera and share your thoughts on the website and you will make a lot of money, while millions of loyal subscribers watch your content.

But you must have a unique personality, find a way to connect with a real audience, and always create interesting ideas that will attract viewers ’attention.

It is reported that the most popular Youtubers earn from YouTube between 15 and 22 million dollars.

Cyber ​​security 

Cyber ​​security

The catastrophic consequences that security breaches can affect companies, as companies that fall victim to data hijackers may lose about $ 1.42 million.

This issue is very important, so companies do not hesitate to spend a large part of the money to hire cybersecurity analysts, who have an average salary of ninety thousand dollars, but large companies pay 250 thousand dollars a year to hire the best experts to protect their data.

Air traffic controller

Air traffic controller

Air traffic controllers mission is a very important, as they must monitor all aircraft in the sky and ensure that aircraft full of passengers land safely, so their task requires full concentration, and is among the most stressful jobs.

The salary of the air controller differs from one country to another, but the national average is $ 120,000, with those with higher incomes earning two hundred thousand dollars.

Marketing Manager

Marketing Manager

 When a company issues an ads that really grabs the audience’s attention, it can increase sales value in millions.

The marketing manager handles this task, as he or she must invent creative ideas that convince people to buy the company’s products or services. The average salary of a marketing manager is sixty thousand dollars, and senior marketing managers earn 190,000 dollars.